f0ur f0r the show... MR BEGIN MAN TAKE ME TO ANOTHER PLACE RIGHT THIS NOW * has led my mind wandering hell. now i meditate in a remainder of 10 divided by three x666x.5=25.80697something.. who the fuck ... cares? whether up or down i always fucking dont control it. alice in this land alice in that land it doesnt mean a thing when everything's the same. maybe this IS lame. maybe this is the trend. maybe it's just destruction of thought. it's probably nothing. fuckit. another day another nothing. another dAY. another. Next (time) just dont read it. Chew your left arm off to make an escape. i meant start here. mindwentblank representing the suppressed mind that has enables to resume in a place that we found miles into yesterdays steel cage. repeat escape plus minus x rays that graze in pastures with exotic crows. fr0s surrounding this submissive atmosphere gleaming in the heat of The Natural Force. These crows. theSE BASTARD CROWS THAT BOTHER ME IN THE MIDST OF WRITING in fright i crawl under the shield called DIE/.mas3dsvcx zasxxcvdead fetuses resume reverbial consonants pronounced backwards by say this that and more. the powerwhore who controls my m1nd and my TV set has subsided and allowed me through the gateway of drone humor and bullshit propaganda. buttons to press less to mess/fuck up my mind behind the lactating breast they call the beginning of the skinning of life....................& the knife that you possess is one of salvation --- begin tranmission --- turn off any electonic devices, including cell f0ns, lapt0ps, radi0z, or 0ther devices which might _interFJEAR_ with the lil spiny thingies that go round-round and point at where to fl4p. oh, k; then... one moment please while i transfer your call. &&&SM 0 A9F4ÂG 0" EXACTLY AS IT IS TYPED (do not include the quotation marksa;slksl) muahahahaha. as if it were posch day anymore, well at least act int-arrested, plz. thanks in advance for your help, officer friendly? and no- well, yes, but, that's not why, unless it is, i dunno. it's a joke. ha. &sigh) applaud or be sh0ck3d. applaud or be sh0cked. applaud or be shock3d. applaud or be 5hocked. applaud or be 5h0cked. ^%reCON-figure-ing the para(kilo(meters &takyerpic and dumping buffer overfl0 to scrn..^1-GN-0-R-3 the ignoraNt ..egap ..bmodMODn/m applaud or be shocked. _____________________________________________NOW -em+intmsxzr0tmsxuu=^%ie2^NOW &p4ra^%for\bolic..^ do you ? understand, that isssnakes and the tired is not really what is there but it's not mine and the weight needs to be checked a i nedeed to sl0w down and stop tinker jst sit and but that is nott nott nott thwhat i shold hold cold wulod. you dullard.. w0anta0n elektrik kar^%n^. [rp-fuvyoboyu ^%pr0duce-tiviti make h00 smile&youmeit it's still a ..lie axjeguidchtnmbrl'poygk,qf;v or yd.p.v xcyjdv c ig.oo c odrgne n.apb urp y.an ydco ycm.vv ^%a a a a a ba oeb be abab aand YES YES EYSSYESY mty ses eys eys eyes are meaning something s, just l00k cl0ser, bu t t t t not t nbut not there. t yeah he there. her present to you is now and forever, n0t objective but limitlesss. sos no that's the the point you the fool 0h where oH h00t hh0 hh0 h00. aga ain aia again ge gia gai gia yesh; so d e e t e4lask deal now and make my move e the e rr a a eleven a move go gto to the dingin dingindin dining room now. it make s d ed mad sense too; so me thubbti it^%toung^.. ~~ really for four im' a it hit what fcop reack-t beat the choke unfare and pusssh quite et spike the punker pze de[end fbum again hit-n-rUn son nas fer a t00.. weeeerm.. dd0d, ei think i'm goin g crazy and whiy is tha/jhim ? . nose hit on the fire extenquis her bu t i adon't awa nt a to k ok aliright all the ppl awho i thouchg ght wer eexistant andn ^%fire them to te and ane end ^ dont and its athr3 makin my wuite mad, or ipolar o r ,dmib nkno w i asont esx epesct jfoo to eunderstan so how ian mi alreddy spoosed to end it of konsume/timues aargh -piraeet) i cant say wjust when it baegn bu its prollu teh whole in m y head time byut not see it by enin anyp iepip one selse i see thhnkgs that arenor ther nietheer her why can it /back find theward s rght and lef koneencton trying ito orime cash crime i wankt nothing for me for free and the there thing whick aaed are i donot men la it all scukes how does it me feelma mkekea and you fjoo ackenat avoid it mink fjoor buisnedds and illl be spared gunhhgjf whowhy +pain smokitintiger iam dgum gettin ing it shanke ke akesh the flying snakekes and flipping leave nows are nt n t even there ehr hree yet you dont nt take the advide i can say i now what is m saying by t llzplz so i cut it and hoped the y yowont fall off of ht eexit wyh and theyd ie wubt we alredi godough +- prniaaaod tye do get brighter and its racist mbut changing would ^%not^ amke it betta gbet on ti i say i think it scna it try liek i sayd tckryazi so i cnat nt fokust can se ui sownt sotp stop dont thaks nobody and i wont pretend so you won tnnton pretend to carrs order and cold war yesfifteen but thats not to sayd that its not already time i just want to shake aor ta sopttoopstopman i could use some hardtm thats nt hard tryit for rh e firtst 3imte so what ig tott a go do tehh thi3fds who ne by do that doy ou.. oh i dontnt nt sknowk wk sk ga sk tyr tio savoid the main str33dmnot com prysical maybe tomorrow iwll be gbett are you no.. ^%quwse kqiwitz^ whoat does it matta her h e r eebil nkow it dsoenst nt event workd like that it sis itn nt that ever either than and deth grrl wont make it ebtter unsless nkow bu+/minus one t h e r doesn nt evevm iexst wso soehwy do i keep seeing it ^%quezst^ that im 3ye not really noff)yes i canvab bnacked so wheat if drives me kraksz why) i m agm togota go or itll exploesde studpicd and i am a slave to mpules too show whoat time or f day should i ghave the right ot accuse/give it p r n i ; a a o d alright?^5^%weud^ --- end transmixxon --- ~~ so you want a paperkut hehe, i see your bloodshot eyes, and although your number is unlisted, i will always know where to find you.. first of all you better watch not wher you re walking byt wgher you are vecause it is NOT what you have heard, but rather what you are hearing.. i do nt know whether to give you space and remain alone or smother the smoke.. thanks for the genuwine, that was prolly the best complie i have heard in a long time.. you leave me speechless, but maybe you will understand.. not that it is tu late, but watch where you re walking and who you re calling because it is ten and im expecting.. oh maybe a month or tow, you see the doctors were not evry suspiciouis or predictable or specifically precise.. what you think about that in the long run, i am hoping for a memorable five0R.. you understood.. i can feel yer star (on my neck).. originality people originality.. the feeling is mutual obviously not on the same level, though. you fjear what you cannot see /what you cannot understand /what you cannot define /what you refuse i lik my star.. i want in in your eye.. i read it many a time and each it made me smile, but it scares you.. my wishes came tru and i realized how petite and unreal i was driven by.. later, ok?? how bout n_o_w.. _ ~~ binary paper (they scared to tlak about it) y4y. at least it s accecptableie rationaol.. my wallas were flashing redn ot blu at me tru st me just once.. theres a blkack ring in my sink and i do nt know where it came from.. my toung^&thubbbyt^ is trungin blut tru tu, yet mie ribcage should be fine.. that s pr0p0sterous like the just drugs sex connections relate *cunf0(kung-fu) zing* shawn ships and piracy on high waters.. chaos tru, yet bet i don nt end up createing.. why would i want to you aught to arske, f00l.. your dead child is coming to life and there s tension in the air just letit pass morning will be fine.. how a-bouts some paxil so i can find the ded foetus inside miesleuf, pac ^&wrinkle faktor^ why you use the same things over and over agin, i cant see but ou are just as predictable as you used to be i bet if i went up onstage and did the how to be a west coast poseur and bobbed my head and folded my arms, you would look as if i was craszy, would ntn j00r sorry arse is hollow and sleepy.. if you had the change for mister peabody s way-back machine would you go back and stay on l00kout you west coaset poseur?? the same chorssd released into the air i fiorgot, hehehe oops.. brb.. no, you are too old and it is too late last time it was a different sit yer ass down and listen to me situation ok my globe spins with the blu lightning left and up as though you know what i am hiding(thinking).. cut the big talk, let s get to the chase and i ll focus not on the physis as though it spins when i can think, but the soul *click* (cr/h) cr0n phf.. da mellon dicatedion/tion isnt nt a porllly good idea, but its the decision of hte council to represent god so im m there now.. ohe well maybe i ll be back later hehe *Karn"* smiles cyakk==ll cyall when the sun doesn nt rise again cyall in hell peace to kids thanks for the advice, y all keep on growin k?? *Karn"* looks uneasy. pr0sterity is non-evitable. a b o r t ~~ something died today. i can hear it bleeding. piggly wiggly came, but that was earlier. maybe he killed it. i was just as careful as always, but perhaps i lost something. the dog stopped to listen, too. time to hoard. the end is not near. the end is here. we have tapeworms, but don't know it yet. i thought i forgot, but then i remembered. i counted, see? misunderstood misinterpreted misinformed misguided sorry about your image. sorry about your hair. hire me. i refuse to work for who cunfused us. i won't call him that either. he has a name, you know (what is it again?). how can you claim or expect or negate? hypocrites you are, all. so much for catchy slogans and pretty logos and loud commercials. glad i/you share something with you/me. should we focus on that or wait to find ourselves in each other? an answer would be nice. y0. ~~ editor's gn-0te: CRACKROCK? eye_totally condone_ the use of crack in any f0rm. it's really neat-0. jeeehehe. if j00 see me in fifteenyears, favor me, kille me, k ^&questwualst^ ?? y4y!@# DIE CONFORMIST BOY SCOUT MASTER BASTARDS. YOU MAY RESIDE IN THE COLD LAND OF NO RETURN WITH SANTAA#EWsdsafdxzczxczzzzzzzzxczcxzxxzczcx asf. RrAGe the anarchist/socialist militariless farm-city repetition is an idea which will lead to our completion of the cycle. the rebirth of man and freedom. YET WE REMAIN NOTHING. YOU DONT MATTER. I DONT MATTER fLATT3r3d only..... The heroine and the blood. The lines are cut, the cocaine is put into lines. The heroin is lined up, the codiene is crushed. The television would probably show the familiar terrorist scenario, featuring this week's 15th y2k warning. The armageddon may become the self fulfilling prophecy of the christ killers, the religious. I remember that Marx called religion the opiate of the people. If that is true, then government is the barbituate of the poeple. It calms them down, and tells them everything will be okay. It claims to protect them from the monsters under the bed. It lulls them to sleep with legislation and judiciary shit, and bills and ammendments. It shreds the constitution to make a pillow. The yuppies of my town talk about they're stocks and they're cars. They talk until it becomes ambient noise, and then resurfaces and enrages me. I put the heroine on the spoon and light it. The razor blade cuts deep. I soak up the blood with a qtip. It fills the cotton with blood. I hate my life. But the drugs aren't that bad. I love my powder. It's the poeple that suck. ITS FUCKING RATIONAL reigning 5 eyes something about dying in fields of blue and green/amazing monkeys battle dinosourz i mean naked wax models of cannibals TRAPPED IN A HOUSE OF MIRRORS glass green orange yellow black purple !BLUE! y2k disaster y2k r10t y2k murder y2k crucifix running through the town terrorizing the beautiful people that make me sick in bed and the head maybe a little dead y2k give me some fucking head bled for fucking y2k where is thisgetting ..,. . . The night before, he had smashed one of the bulbs on a string of christmas lights he had hanging on the wall behind him while leaning back in his chair. As he tipped his chair back, leaning against the wall with a smirk his knuckle briefly made contact with two little white wires. His body jerked and twitched, his heart tensed and failed. Two days later, the neighbors complained about an awful odor eminating from the side window of his house. And there was Bob, lying there with a twisted scream etched accross his pocked and pimpled face, his left hand clutching at his chest. A sad way to go. Don't fuck with karma. we have designed this issue of the raid to become more expensive as the thirst for IT rises.. capitalist justice asf asfd zxvc $ I NEED A PLACE WHERE NO MONEY IS SPENT we reside in a pool of cash money hoes. dignitfucking y digital chain gangs wreak havokk on local charities. NO MORE LOVE how many rivers do we have to cross...until we can talk to the boss? it doesn't matter: proceed.